
  • Release date : Aug 5 2019 - 13:28
  • View : 704
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The Office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, hosted the deputies of Qom University of Medical Sciences

On Wednesday, May 1, 2019 the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Sharif Kashani hosted Dr. Hassan Adeli, Vice-Chancellor of Education and Mr. Shams, Director of International Affairs at Qom University of Medical Sciences.

 The meeting was held at the office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs hosted by Dr. Sharif Kashani, and Dr. Mortazavi, Director of International Relations and a group of international experts attended the meeting. During the meeting both sides expressed the interest and potential of their respective universities in developing mutual relationships, collaborations and defining joint international activities. At the end of the meeting it was decided, taking into account the contents of this meeting and the capacities of the parties, to propose and present at the next meeting of the draft joint plans. 

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 78100